Friday, September 01, 2006

Bush -isms

Another Washington Post Article Reports:
Bush also repeated his assertion that the advance of democracy will bring to power in the Middle East countries that oppose terrorism, although free elections in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories have given power to Hezbollah and Hamas, both deemed by the United States to be terrorist entities.

Dear Mr. President:
I cannot help but ask, if FREE ELECTIONS gave power to these groups, wouldn't that mean that this is what the PEOPLE want? Isn't that democracy? Maybe we should allow the will of the people of those nations to make their own decisions, even if you don't agree.
Just a humble American opinion.
Sandra Bonadonna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. I also wonder if the spread of Democracy is any different than the form U.S.S.R's spread of Communism. It seems the spread of Democracy is not unlike the spread of Christianity; Christians seem to want to convert every Nation to Christianity rather than shine a light on their current beliefs.