An article in todays Washington Post by Anushka Asthana and Karen DeYoung states
"President Bush urged Congress Thursday to give him "additional authority" to continue his administration's warrantless eavesdropping program. The speech was his latest effort in several days to mark the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks by framing the election-year national security debate to political and policy advantage.
Bush asserted that his administration has filled many of the security gaps exposed by the Sept. 11 attacks but said he needs more power to adapt to changes in the threat. "
I recieved a response from Senator Harry Reid on the 6th and posted it here on the blog. All I can say is that I hope those who are fighting to prohibit the President from violating the Constitution stand strong for the people of the US.
AT&T is not the President, nor are they part of Homeland security. I ask the President, why not simply start your own federally funded Homeland Security telephone company? You could call it Patriot Communications, and then you could force all other companies to cease business and use the new federally funded telephone to spy whenever you want. Oh, that's right, you have no need for that course of action, you have AT&T in your pocket. AT&T sees nothing wrong in giving the federal government access to its customers record, and offers full reign to the NSA for surveillance of the American People. Maybe AT&T should change their name to the Patriot Homeland Security Telephone and Telegraph Company. Or even more appropriate, American Tattletale Telephone.
I have a brilliant solution, in return for our President invading every aspect of American lives, until the need subsides for federal eavesdropping, if the President is willing to pay for everyones telephone service, then we can let him listen in all day and night long. Free, federally funded telephone service, including cell phones and internet access! Wow, we all could save $300 or more every month and the President would not have to violate the US Constitution! The only people who might not be in agreement to this would be the owners and stock holders and employees of the telephone companies. They would have to take a deep cut in pay and shareholders would lose it all because it would be funded by the federal government. The most recent reports showed the CEO of AT&T making about $1.2 Million a year - gee could he live on a federal salary of $45,000? Also, there would be no need for multiple service companies, which would drop the rate for service so low the government could afford to fund it.
Here's the problem - this could never happen because America believes in free enterprise, and capitalism. So the question at hand is simply, no Capitalism and Free Enterprise versus no Constitutional Rights, which is worse?
Wake up call! Neither! No communism, no dictatorships, no violating the Constitution! Reality check for the government - read this:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
WE THE PEOPLE!!! It does not read The Office of The President of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union..
As much as President Bush believes that this is what it says, he should add the Constitution to his list of "ekkaklekatic" reading materials. He does not need more power and he should stop asking for it. Checks and Balances, Mr. President, Checks and Balances!
Just a humble American opinion.
Sandra Bonadonna 09/08/2006
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Friday, September 08, 2006
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